Bencsik, B., Palmié, M., Parida, V., Wincent, J., Gassmann, O. (2023). Business models for digital sustainability: Framework, microfoundations of value capture, and empirical evidence from 130 smart city services. Journal of Business Research, 160. 1-14.
Schäfer, F. A., Gebauer, H., Gröger, C., Gassmann, O., Wortmann, F. (2023). Data-driven business and data privacy: Challenges and measures for product-based companies. Business Horizons, 66(4). 493-504.
Haefner, N., Parida, V., Gassmann, O., Wincent, J. (2023). Implementing and scaling artificial intelligence: A review, framework, and research agenda. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 197.
Lingens, B., Seeholzer, V., Gassmann, O. (2023). Journey to the Big Bang: How firms define new value propositions in emerging ecosystems. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 69.
Schuhmacher, A., Hinder, M., Dodel, A., Gassmann, O., Hartl, D. (2023). Investigating the origins of recent pharmaceutical innovation. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
Boemelburg, R., Zimmermann, A., Palmié, M. (2023). How paradoxical leaders guide their followers to embrace paradox: Cognitive and behavioral mechanisms of paradox mindset development. Long Range Planning, 56(4). 1-13.
Haefner, N., Palmié, M., Leppänen, P. T. (2023). With(Out) a Little Help From My Friends? Reconciling Incongruous Findings on Stakeholder Management, Innovation, and Firm Performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47(1). 142-171.
Schuhmacher, A., Hinder, M., Von Stegmann Und Stein, A., Hartl, D., Gassmann, O. (2023). Analysis of pharma R&D productivitya new perspective needed. Drug Discovery Today, 28(10).
Palmié, M., Rügger, S., Holzer, M., Oghazi, P. (2023). The “golden” voice of “green” employees: The effect of private environmental orientation on suggestions for improvement in firms’ economic value creation. Journal of Business Research, 156. 1-12.
Palmié, M., Rügger, S., Parida, V. (2023). Microfoundations in the strategic management of technology and innovation: Definitions, systematic literature review, integrative framework, and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 154. 1-17.
Miehé, L., Palmié, M., Oghazi, P. (2022). Connection successfully established: How complementors use connectivity technologies to join existing ecosystems – Four archetype strategies from the mobility sector. Technovation, 122. 1-13.
Palmié, M., Miehé, L., Oghazi, P., Parida, V., Wincent, J. (2022). The evolution of the digital service ecosystem and digital business model innovation in retail: The emergence of meta-ecosystems and the value of physical interactions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 177. 1-1
Lingens, B., Seeholzer, V., Gassmann, O. (2022). The architecture of innovation: how firms configure different types of complementarities in emerging ecosystems. Industry and Innovation, 29(9). 1108-1139.
Schuhmacher, A., Gassmann, O., Bieniok, D., Hinder, M., Hartl, D. (2022). Open innovation: A paradigm shift in pharma R&D?. Drug Discovery Today, 27(9). 2395-2405.
Schweitzer, F., Palmié, M., Gassmann, O., Kahlert, J., Roeth, T. (2022). Open innovation for institutional entrepreneurship: how incumbents induce institutional change to advance autonomous driving. R & D Management, 52(3). 465-483.
Friedrich, J., Palmié, M. (2021). Does Smart equal Sustainable? Selective Coupling and Sustainability Performance in 251 Smart City Initiatives understood as Hybrid Organizations. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1).
Lingens, B., Böger, M. (2021). Even a Small Conductor Can Lead a Large Orchestra: How Startups Orchestrate Ecosystems. California Management Review, 63(3). 1-26.
Lingens, B., Miehé, L., Gassmann, O. (2021). The Ecosystem Blueprint: How Firms Shape the Design of an Ecosystem According to the Surrounding Conditions. Long Range Planning, 54(2). 1-53.
Palmié, M., Boehm, J., Friedrich, J., Parida, V., Wincent, J., Kahlert, J., Gassmann, O., Sjödin, D. (2021). Startups versus incumbents in ‘green’ industry transformations: A comparative study of business model archetypes in the electrical power sector. Industrial Marketing Management. Vol. 96.
Schweitzer, F., Palmié, M., Gassmann, O., Kahlert, J. & Roeth, T. (2021). Open innovation for institutional entrepreneurship: how incumbents induce institutional change to advance autonomous driving. R&D Management.
Haefner, N., Palmié, M., & Leppänen, P. T. (2021). With(out) a little help from my friends? Reconciling incongruous findings on stakeholder management, innovation, and firm performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, in press.
Haefner, N., Wincent, J., Parida, V., & Gassmann, O. (2021). Artificial intelligence and innovation management: A review, framework, and research agenda. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 162(1).
Palmié, Maximilian, Boehm, Jonas, Lekkas, Charlotte-Katharina, Parida, Vinit, Wincent, Joakim, & Gassmann, Oliver: Circular business model implementation: Design choices, orchestration strategies, and transition pathways for resource-sharing solutions, Journal of Cleaner Production, 280 (2020): 124399.
Lingens, B. Miehé, L., & Gassmann, O. (2020): The Ecosystem Blueprint: How Firms Shape the Design of an Ecosystem According to the Surrounding Conditions, Long Range Planning. doi: 10.1016/j.lrp.2020.102043
Gassmann, O., Frankenberger, K., & Choudury, M. (2020). The Business Model Navigator: The strategies behind the most successful companies. 2nd Edition. FT Pearson, UK.
Schuhmacher, A., Gatto, A., Hinder, M., Kuss, M., & Gassmann, O. (2020): The upside of being a digital pharma player. Drug Discovery Today, (featured in Forbes, July 2020)