- 01.07.2024 - 09:00 

'Understanding Products as Services' is now available

Understanding Products as Services – How the Internet and AI are Transforming Product Companies: Now available! Thank you Elgar Fleisch, Heiko Gebauer, and Claudio Lamprecht!

Our book is intended to help product companies evolve from being the sole providers of products to offering customer solutions comprised of hardware, software, and services. It explores how the digitalization of products shapes the future business models of product manufacturers.

Europe, the world champion of production, had remained too dormant throughout the first major wave of digitalization. US companies were more experimental, more pragmatic, and much faster than their European counterparts. The same was true for companies in Asian countries, especially China.

While Europe may have the best data protection law in the world, it has hardly any substantial digital business. Take the automotive industry as an example. The first battle was won by Tesla and BYD & Co. But the race has only just begun.

We do not argue that the relevance of either physical products or the manufacturing industry is declining. Quite the opposite: We assume that the world will remain largely physical, and that manufacturing will remain pivotal.

Physical products will continue to generate the lion’s share of sales and employment in the manufacturing industry. However, competitiveness is increasingly determined by solutions that are based on hardware, software, and services. For many manufacturing companies, software and services are becoming strategic necessities rather than optional opportunities.

Get your physical copy now: Link
Or go for the German version: Link
