Person Detail

Felix Wortmann

Felix Wortmann

Felix Wortmann

Prof. Dr.

Professor, Senior Lecturer

Büro 1-201
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St. Gallen
Main Focuses

Internet of Things

Machine Learning

Information Management

Technology Management

Fields of research

Internet of Things

Machine Learning

Technology Management

Business Model Innovation

Professional Career
  • Since 2021: Professor, Senior Lecturer and Scientific Director Bosch IoT Lab at the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St. Gallen
  • 2012-2021: Scientific Director „Bosch Internet of Things Lab“ and Assistant Professor of Technology Management at the University of St. Gallen
  • 2009-2012: Head of „Business Intelligence and Big Data“ and Assistant Professor of Information Management (since 2011) at the University of St. Gallen 
  • 2006-2009: Assistant to Dr. Peter Zencke, Board Member of SAP AG and Head of Research & Breakthrough Innovation
  • 2002-2006: PhD Candidate (summa cum laude) and Research Assistant at the Institute of Information Management at the University of St. Gallen 
  • 1997-2002: Studies in information systems, University of Münster and University of Alabama

A description of selected research projects can be found at:

  • „HSG Impact Award 2020” of the University of St. Gallen for particularly innovative and relevant research
  • Top 10% management researcher in the German-speaking research community (forschungsstärkste Betriebswirte im deutschsprachigen Raum), WirtschaftsWoche Ranking 2020
  • „HSG Impact Award 2019” of the University of St. Gallen for particularly innovative and relevant research
  • Top 5% management researcher in the German-speaking research community (forschungsstärkste Betriebswirte im deutschsprachigen Raum), WirtschaftsWoche Ranking 2018
  • “Best Poster Award”, International Conference on Internet of Things 2015
  • “Best Conference Track Paper” and “Best Paper Runner-Up”, International Conference on Information Systems 2014
  • “Best Prototype Paper”, Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies Conference 2014
  • 2006 Amicitia Prize for the best doctorate, University of St. Gallen
Additional Information

Selected Publications

Felix's transdisciplinary research has been published in leading journals and conferences:

Information Systems

  • Woerner, A., Tiefenbeck, V., Wortmann, F., Ableitner, L., Meeuw, A., Fleisch, E., Azevedo, I. (2022), Bidding on a Peer-to-Peer Energy Market – A Field Study, Information Systems Research, (forthcoming).
  • Chanson, M., Bogner, A., Bilgeri, D., Fleisch, E., Wortmann, F. (2019), Blockchain for the IoT: Privacy-Preserving Protection of Sensor Data, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 20(9), 1271-1307. [PDF]
  • Bilgeri, D., Gebauer, H., Fleisch, E., Wortmann, F. (2019), Driving Process Innovation in Manufacturing Companies with IoT Field Data, MIS Quarterly Executive, 18(3), 191-207. [PDF]
  • Ryder, B., Gahr, B., Egolf, P., Dahlinger, A., Wortmann, F. (2017), Preventing Traffic Accidents with In-Vehicle Decision Support Systems – The Impact of Accident Hotspot Warnings on Driver Behaviour, Decision Support Systems, 99, 64-74. [PDF]

Computer Science

  • Koch, K., Tiefenbeck, V., Liu, S., Berger, T., Fleisch, E., Wortmann, F. (2021), Taking Mental Health & Well-Being to the Streets: An Exploratory Evaluation of In-Vehicle Interventions in the Wild, Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’21), 1-15. [PDF]
  • Koch, K., Mishra, V., Liu, S., Berger, T., Fleisch, E., Kotz, D.F., Wortmann, F. (2021), When Do Drivers Interact with In-Vehicle Well-being Interventions? An Exploratory Analysis of a Longitudinal Study on Public Roads, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 5(1). [PDF]
  • Liu, S., Koch, K., Zhou, Z., Föll, S., He, X., Menke, T., Fleisch, E., Wortmann, F. (2021), The Empathetic Car: Exploring Emotion Inference via Driver Behaviour and Traffic Context, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 5(3). [PDF]


  • Ableitner, L., Tiefenbeck, V., Meeuw, A., Woerner, A., Fleisch, E., Wortmann, F. (2020), User Behavior in a Real-World Peer-to-Peer Electricity Market, Applied Energy, 270. [PDF]
  • Woerner, A., Meeuw, A., Ableitner, L., Wortmann, F., Schopfer, S., Tiefenbeck, V. (2019), Trading Solar Energy within the Neighborhood: Field Implementation of a Blockchain-Based Electricity Market, Energy Informatics. [PDF]

Mobility and Transportation Research

  • Ryder, B., Dahlinger, A., Gahr, B., Wortmann, F., Fleisch, E. (2019), Spatial Prediction of Traffic Accidents with Critical Driving Events – Insights from a Nationwide Field Study. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 124, 611-626. [PDF]
  • Dahlinger, A., Tiefenbeck, V., Ryder, B., Gahr, B., Fleisch, E., Wortmann, F. (2018), The Impact of Numerical vs. Symbolic Eco-Driving Feedback on Fuel Consumption – A Randomized Control Field Trial, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 65, 375-386. [PDF]


  • Lehmann, V., Tripyla, A., Herzig, D., Meier, J., Banholzer, N., Maritsch, M., Zehetner, J., Giachino, D., Nett, P., Feuerriegel, S., Wortmann, F., Bally, L. (2021), Driving performance after intake of glucose vs. aspartame in patients with postprandial hypoglycemia following gastric bypass surgery: single-blind, randomized crossover study, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 23(9), 2189-2193, 10.1111/dom.14456. [PDF]
  • Lehmann, V., Maritsch, M., Züger, T., Marxer, A., Bérubé, C., Kraus, M., Albrecht, C., Feuerriegel, S., Kowatsch, T., Fleisch, E., Wortmann, F., Stettler, C. (2021), A machine learning-based approach to non-invasively detect hypoglycemia from gaze behavior while driving, 81st Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, 10.2337/db21-5-LB.

